Samstag, 25. Juli 2009

Handy Synchronisierung

Folgende Anleitung hat mir geholfen, das Handy 6610i zu synchronisieren:
Zusätzlich musste ich in die Konfigurationsdatei schreiben: connection = serial
Das Kabel scheint einen Wackelkontakt zu haben. Das sollte man auch noch beachten.

Connecting a Nokia 6021 with a CA-42 cable and bluetooth

I finally managed to get my phone connected to my linux boxes with Gnokii, both using a Nokia CA-42 cable and using a bluetooth dongle.
Using a CA-42 cable all thats needed is to run

modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0421 product=0x0802

before attaching the phone. That will resultin a /dev/ttyUSB0 device appearing when the phone is attached.

Gnokii can then connect to the phone with this setup in ~/.gnokiirc:

port = /dev/ttyUSB0
model = AT

Once connected, the phone is found:

$ gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.8
IMEI : 355687309745842
Manufacturer : Nokia
Model : Nokia 6021
Revision : V 03.83

and I can remote control the phone. Not everything appears to work, though. I can read and send SMS messages, and I can get and set contact information. I haven’t managed to get gnokii to read calendar setting or logos or ringtones.

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